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Sunday, December 14, 2008

Sorry for the Layoff

As most know this time of year with loved ones and holiday season, time is streched so thin. Look for the blog to crank back up when SEC action starts. Thanks for hanging in there. All have a Merry Christmas. -Arliss


Arliss said...

To the anonymous poster who post comments about TN basketball, this is a MSU basketball blog, I don't know if you feel like you're accomplishing something by coming over here and talking about Hopson and TN, but you need to post somewhere else if all you want to talk about is TN basketball. I welcome any comments you have about MSU, but not TN. Thanks-Arliss

Tom said...

Any news on Brian Johnson? Would love to see him get some PT tomorrow night. Hoping for a big upset!

Anonymous said...

I suppose I can forgive you for the layoff. Although it's quite hard, I guess I can. Just don't make it too long.)

Anonymous said...

We need Brian Johnson. Going small just isn't going to work against good teams. Four guards is too small. I don't see why Varnado and Bailey or Varnado and Osby couldn't start together. We need two big guys to complement each other. We give up too much in rebounding with four guards. We have ok guards, but to go with a four guard lineup and beat quality teams would require great guards. We shouldn't go any smaller than three guards and two forwards IMO.

Tom said...

Agree that 4 guards and one big ain't gonna cut it. Osby, Augustus, Bailey, and B. Johnson (when he returns) have got to figure into the mix with Varnado on the floor.

Anonymous said...

My friend...Welcome back.

Tom said...

"And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth." John 1:14

Merry Christmas to Arliss and to all his loyal blogsters.

jdelta033 said...

God loves you/you all. Praise the Lord.

Arliss said...

No more anonymous posts, if you want to call someone out, you will not be allowed to hide behind anonymouns.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the great work, you are providing a great resource on the Internet here!

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Anonymous said...

We are waiting for you..plz come back..

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