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Thursday, February 14, 2008


ADDENDUM TO AUBURN REPORT CARD It came as somewhat of a surprise that no one has made any comments about something I have complained about in my report cards. And that is Offensive Rebounds. OR is a direct result of a missed shot by a team. After doing some further analysis of the play by play stat sheet, I have come up with the following. As I said above, an OR is the direct result of a missed shot. In this game, we had 23 misses and Auburn had 45 misses. We ended up with 12 OR and Auburn had 14 OR. To draw a better relationship to this, we had 34 DR to Auburn ’s 14 OR. That equates to us having almost two and half rebounds to their one off their board. Furthermore, their 14 OR only produced 7 points and three of those were free throws because of fouls. By the same token, Auburn pulled down 13 DR to our 12 OR. This is almost equal. But we did get 11 points off of the OR. Six of which were free throws because of Auburn fouls. I hope this makes more sense to you. I made this additional analysis after something Doug said in comment 7 to the original post. Another thing that I didn’t point out in the original post was points off steals by either team. We ended the game with 6 steals for 5 points while Auburn had 13 steals that they converted into 21 points. Let us hear from you via your comments

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