Every season I tend to get excited about at least one incoming freshman. I've personally been waiting for about three years now to see Ravern Johnson adorn the maroon and white. After following his high school career, I see Ravern making a impact on the outcome of 07-08 season. Rick commented recently on Ravern, "All 4 freshmen will contribute in different ways but, especially Ravern Johnson, he has some work to do, most kids out of high school are weak, can't rebound and defend, but he can flat out shoot." We all know that the backbone of Rick's championship teams is rebounding and man to man defense. I think in the pre SEC Ravern provides an "offensive spark plug" off the bench early. If his defense improves he could break the lineup come January. Look for Ravern to be in the game late if he can mirror his 91 % FT from the stripe he shot in high school. I feel that Ravern can improve his strength and ability to play defense, but its tougher to teach shooting. Ravern will bring a marksman's shooting mentality this season. So, will MSU fans be raving about Ravern? I think so, and it can't happen soon enough.
Matthew 14:31 Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. "You of little faith," he said, "why did you doubt?"